Thursday, September 26, 2013

Take a Deep Breath and Hold on to Your Brushes...It's Gonna Be a Bumpy Ride!

If you want to be anything other than a hobby artist, you are going to need a way to sell your work. It is simply a matter of logic that over a period of time canvases are going to accumulate and expenses are going to mount. Art is no cheap business and they don't call it "Artwork," emphasis on the "work," for nothing! You can only give away so many to family and friends before they are thinking, hmmm not so sure I have room for another one of your masterpieces. Let me just say I have given away a lot, including some charity donations, but at this point in our life, if we intend to ever be able to retire, I have to out number the freebies with sold signs.

As of 48 hours ago, Linda Dunbar Fine Art is now sporting a Facebook Page, an Etsy Shop and a Gallery Page at thanks to my darling daughter.

Click here to see the gallery at:    Daily Paintworks

Tonight we were contacted by a restaurant in downtown Tulsa that is interested in displaying my work!  I have to give my husband props for that one.  He has been promoting for me to show there and went to the trouble to meet with the proper people to make that happen.

Not that long ago I was happy to have created a website and a blog, but now thanks to those who believe in me, I have had over two thousand people view my paintings on Facebook.  Who knows how many on the gallery and now I am just waiting to see what is next.

Technically speaking, that would be Jay Leno on The Tonight Show.  After that?  We will see what tomorrow brings.  What was it Scarlet O'Hara said about tomorrow?  Oh yeah, "I will think about that tomorrow!"

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