Sunday, September 1, 2013

Her Mission is Ghana - Mine is Painting...

This is my friend, Denise.  Her heart was made for helping people and she does love people more than any other person I have ever known.  Denise is a Pied Piper type of person who inspires others to follow her,  just as Jesus said to His followers to lay down their life for others... Denise has.

She is the founder and president of EveryDay Ministry, Inc.

She inspires me so much and I want to capture her spirit in a painting.  The people are so loving and their faces so beautiful.  Here is my beginning.

Say a prayer or wish me luck that I can capture her spirit and love in this painting.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH Linda!!!! I love it. Goodness gracious, you are so talented and to capture this is wonderful!
