Monday, August 12, 2013

Brushes - An implement with a handle.

Brushes?  Now there is a seven letter word that leaves my head spinning.  What kind to use?  If you are reading this, what do you use?  There are stiff hog brushes that seem to be preferred by the impressionistic type folks, there are exotic animals that I have never even seen before used to make brushes, and then there are the ones made by semi famous artists that once had TV programs on cable networks.  How is a novice to determine the right ones to invest their money in?  We all know the common phrase, “Starving Artist.”  Now I know why the artist is starving...they spent all their money on brushes!  Maybe I need to do a little art history research to see what the Masters used.  Pretty sure Michelangelo didn’t have this much trouble and look what surfaces he managed to paint on.  All I do know is that I probably need an attachment to my home owners insurance policy to include the replacement cost of my brushes.  At the rate I am going on my journey to learn to paint, maybe they will be my investment to sell on Ebay to cover the cost of my retirement home?  Sigh....

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